The All Natural Insect Repellant You Eat
Bite-Free Beaches

Media List

Dragons Den Canada: Full Episode

Mozi-Q on CTV News

How To Survive the Ugly Side of Summer

We spend all winter waiting for it... and for some of us, suffer miserably through it. I'm talking about summer. There is definitely an ugly side to our favourite season that we grin and bear! I'm talking about allergies, mold and mosquito bites. Don't spend the entire summer inside hiding from what ails you...I've got solutions to all of the summer blues!

First Homeopathic Mosquito Repellent Pill Enters the U.S. Market

In Erin's homeopathic research she came across a study from the 1960s that proved that a combination of homeopathic remedies would help to keep mosquitoes, ticks and other blood sucking insects at bay. She began selling the remedy in her clinic and when clients kept on coming back for more, she realized that it was time to share her product with the world...

MOZI-Q: Taking back the outdoors--For Real

In the latest issue of Birth of a Mother Magazine, we decided to show everyone our favorite all natural or DIY sunscreens and insect repellants. Unfortunately we missed one very important, we didn't receive their images and samples on time, so they did not make the issue – however I would like to remedy that now. They are a very effective, Calgary based and made insect repellant called MOZI-Q.

New pill promises to ward off mosquitoes

The first oral bug repellent is hitting the shelves in Canada this summer. Calgary's Erin Bosch has created the bug repellent in pill form called Mozi-Q. "I always wanted to be a superhero, now everyone calls me mosquito girl," says Bosch. Mozi-Q has been approved by Health Canada for being both safe and effective at keeping mosquitoes away. "It's made of five different flowers," says Bosch. "The mosquitoes will fly around you but then they ju…

How to never again get attacked by an insect (black flies, mosquitoes, horse flies, even lice)

I've been exercising and working outdoors all spring, in clouds of black flies, and I don't have a single bite. In a normal year, my face, neck and arms would be covered in red welts that itch and burn and swell, in spite of wearing long sleeves AND a ridiculous hat made of netting that the bugs always infiltrate. (Once you've got a black fly INSIDE your net hat, you're just a big meat sandwic...

Homeopathic Bug Bite Bustin'

In Calgary, there is a teeny tiny window of bug-free evenings that happens in early spring when you sometimes get warm temperatures in the day and the heat remains for at least a couple of hours past dinnertime. For those of us who are bug-repulsed either by their presence or their bite, we are in bug-free nirvana for maybe a week tops.

Mozi-Q Loved by Carson Authur

TV Landscape Designer, Carson Authur, featured on CityLine, HGTV and The Shopping Channel loves Mozi-Q! Here's what he's saying...

What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine that is holistic, scientifically based, safe to use, inexpensive and curative of acute and chronic disease. Samuel Hahnemann founded it over 200 years ago, although the principles on which it is based have been utilized in healing for thousands of years.

Helpful Guidelines for taking Homeopathic Remedies

The potency of a homeopathic remedy is its strength. Potencies range usually from 3x or 3c progressively up to M, CM, and LM potencies. When self-prescribing without the benefit of professional advice, use lower potencies like 12c.

Local product Mozi-Q approved as bug repellent

A Calgary business that aims to bring traditional homeopathic remedies to the mainstream public has received Health Canada approval for its first locally developed product. Mozi-Q is a natural mosquito repellent created by Calgary-based Xerion Dispensary. The product, made from a plant-derived substance called staphysagria, is taken orally and is advertised not only as a bug repellent, but as a product that will also lessen the stinging and itching associated with insect bites.

In Love with Mozi-Q as a Mosquito Repellent! A Testimony

I am in love with this product! I went for a hike in a heavily wooded area with my family over the Mother's day weekend. Mosquitoes LOVE me, and I get huge red bumps that itch like crazy! I get bitten standing at the bus stop in the heart of downtown, so I'm always nervous doing anything outdoors, or even standing near a grassy area! (I'm SO fun during summer, I know. .) Halfway through the hike, my family started to complain about getting bitte…